“I could never do that”

GLYPH at Stanford d.school: Simple. Fun. Powerful. == Glyph makes the message Stick!

See to be Seen

Out of the gate with a post on Process… BOR-ING. I know. But I think it’s important, because as you explore these GlyphNotes, I want you to be saying “Hey, I could do that,” not the opposite. Like, “But I can’t draw!” Which is what I usually hear, and I’m over it. That’s boring. So I’m going to start off by showing you how this began – with some scribbling and three boxes.

Mid October 2014: Condi’s class on the Dubai Port Authority Case. The only professor who can set the stage for a case discussion with, “So it’s 2006, I’m Secretary of State, and… no, that is not hypothetical…” (Awesome) content aside, this is a pretty good example of what my notes looked like at the beginning of the school year. Trying to capture every word, and I have to re-read them – three times- to know what’s actually important. My attempt at the time was to box…

View original post 399 more words

Creating Passionate Innovators: Dream it. Design it. Do it.

Finally time for camp – where crazy scientists encourage you to Fail Fearlessly! A place where your hands teach your mind through creative discovery, prototyping, iterating and building. Fortunately, leading schools are adopting the maker mindset, encouraging innovation, invention and big ideas. I was honored to spend the week with an enthusiastic team of “crazy” teachers that spent their first days of summer playing the role of students. This team of Innovation Specialists spent the first day at EdCamp Disney Magic, brainstorming ideas of bringing the “Magic” to the classroom. The next days were spent developing the ilab / makerspace for the school. There are amazing tech and tools for student engagement, but real take home message is to LEAD with a VISION of optimistic creativity and student empowerment. Cultivating an inspirational environment with the freedom to fail is a revolutionary idea in the school system, yet a commonsense approach to real world success!

Dream it. Design it. Do it.

Dream it. Design it. Do it.



Engage. Inspire. Discover.

Engage Their Minds

screen shot from Klikaklu app video screen shot from Klikaklu app video

One of the apps I am itching to try with my students this semester is one that I “field-tested” with my daughter over the break.  It’s called Klikaklu, and it allows you to make scavenger hunts.

Last Christmas, I got this crazy idea to “code” all of the gifts under the tree instead of writing names on the tags.  Christmas morning, my daughter had to scan each code with Aurasma, and it brought up a short video telling her who the gift was for.

I couldn’t really tell how the whole concept went over.  Since it was a lot of work, and she didn’t make a big deal about it, I decided not to go to those lengths this year.

A few days before Christmas: “Mom, are you going to do that cool Aurasma thing with the gifts this year?”

All gifts were…

View original post 611 more words

Inspiring Young Entrepreneurs

Inspiring Young Entrepreneurs

Mike during Camp BizSmart web pic

Students acquire and practice essential skills using the unique project based learning model called “Learn-Do-Check-Act” developed by the Camp BizSmart founders. Students work in teams to solve a real world business problem provided by successful. “in-the-news” company founders.  The executives inspire students by interacting directly with them while they work to solve, support and defend a business problem that has been created just for them by the company founders with input from the Camp BizSmart founders.

30 Trends In Education Technology For 2015 05/19/2014, Terry Heick

30 Trends In Education Technology For The 2015 School Year


Trending Up

  1. Teacherpreneurs
  2. Decentralizing academic standards
  3. Rethinking data in the classroom
  4. Adaptive learning algorithms
  5. Digital Citizenship
  6. Focus on non-fiction, digital media
  7. Depth of content
  8. Experimentation with new learning models (including flipped classroom, sync learning, blended learning, etc.)
  9. Teacher self-directed PD, webinars, streams, etc.
  10. College as a choice
  11. Collaborative learning
  12. Digital Literacy
  13. Focus on learning spaces
  14. Design thinking
  15. Mindfulness, meditation, downtime
  16. Teacher as guide-on-the-side
  17. Gamification of content
  18. Genius hour, maker hour, collaboration time
  19. Workflows
  20. Cloud-based word processing
  21. Mainstreaming + co-teaching
  22. Platform Agnosticism
  23. Librarian as digital media specialist
  24. YouTube channels, Google Chromecast, AppleTV
  25. Apps like Storehouse
  26. 1:1 tablets/devices
  27. Project-Based Learning
  28. Mobile-first #edtech design
  29. The innovation of apps
  30. Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive



Discovery!  VeroMom loves to share her eduventures=)

Finally, a local Hacker Dojo!! The new Codecraft Lab in Melbourne offers kids coding for a fraction of the cost of IDTech and DMA-Digital Media Academy(both of which we have attended). Plus, they have year round weekly class and MUG -Minecraft User Group! Coding should be a second language for our kids, empowering them to be creators and makers.  Check out the revolution at code.org.